Posts by Lara Mirnik

When to use and not use a Yoni Steam?

When to use a yoni steam Before or after your period for general hygiene, clearing and cleansing. To relieve menstrual...

What are the benefits of Yoni Steam?

Physical Benefits Reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation Decreases heavy menstrual flow Regulation of irregular or absent...

Why is a Positive touch for the Baby so important?

In this day and age, when there are so many gizmo’s and gadgets to help parents to care for their...

The Benefits of Yoga for Babies

Baby yoga and baby massage can bring emotional and physical rewards for babies of all ages, and at each stage...

What are 8 main causes of Baby`s cry?

HUNGER If a baby is hungry, the crying will normaly stop when offered food. It is important to remember that...

Understanding why babies cry

Crying is the way in which babies communicate their distress and their need for attention. Crying is a baby ‘s...

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